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Workplace Readiness for Protection of Employees from Contagious Disease Transmission


Employers are responsible today, more than ever, to provide environments in which employees can be productive, creative, healthy, and safe to perform their duties. At this unique time, your staff may have fears about returning to your workplace unless they are confident that they will be protected against infectious diseases.

As a service to our community, we have created this survey to help employers like you assess how your employees feel about returning to the workplace.


Start the survey by clicking "Begin" below. You can also download and distribute this survey to your employees. The results will assist you as you consider ways to improve your facility and practices. While also showing your workers how much you care about them. Demonstrating to them that you possess the leadership that is needed today in your workplace.

My staff and I value your input. We will assess and prioritize employee opinions and put them to use when we design and specify new layouts, products, materials, and furniture for our clients.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! In return for your participation we will be happy to share the results of our online survey with you.

Thank you!

Be well,
David W. Buckman, AIA, LEED AP

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